Of Tubes & Chips & Still More Travells...

(Mark & I walking towards St. Pauls in centralish London)
And I find myself thinking about it fairly often these days with all the travells that I am taking. Sometimes I wonder just where that road first began... what was the door that pushed me out into this great big world? What began me on these endless wanderings?
I went into London town again today... Oxford Circus and Highbury... Wandered about the Camden Town markets with friends in the afternoon... Left them later on to do their grocery shopping and I instead strolled through Green Park, walked the length of St. James Park, past Trafalgar Sq, down to Embankment and along the Thames to Westminster before heading home.
And it was good to have that time with friends; good to wander about alone as well. With friends to relax; alone to regroup.
Tomorrow finds me on my way back once more to Slovakia; another home; another world.
Here in London I wander about quite free. No obligations or responsibilities visibly pressing on me; no anything save what I might choose. And as much as I do always find myself the stranger here, London really does seem more like my world than any of the others I belong to. Walking along today, my steaming hot salt and vinegar chips wrapped in paper in my hand (chips being fried potato wedges for those who don't know the term) and warming me up after a nice walk along the Thames followed by the looonnnngggg ride home on the Tube... I couldn't help but think, though, that as much as I do love this world, I don't know just how much I actually want to live here in the future. And I don't know that it would really make much of a home base to come back to, either... because it is so much in constant change.

And yet for now, as I do continue with these travells of mine; as I carry on this rootless lifestyle... I am making this my home base. It is the one actualy physical location, I think, that I will always come back to. My family can go anywhere in the world and I will always go home to them. But I don't think I will always go home to Slovakia, or the other places that they or I have or will live.
This is me wishing tomorrow weren't Thursday already.
There is in Tolkien's works a most famous of quotations...
"The Road goes ever on and on/Down from the door where it began./Now far ahead the Road has gone,/And I must follow, if I can,/Pursuing it with eager feet,/Until it joins some larger way/Where many paths and errands meet./And whither then? I cannot say."
And I find myself thinking about it fairly often these days with all the travells that I am taking. Sometimes I wonder just where that road first began... what was the door that pushed me out into this great big world? What began me on these endless wanderings?
I went into London town again today... Oxford Circus and Highbury... Wandered about the Camden Town markets with friends in the afternoon... Left them later on to do their grocery shopping and I instead strolled through Green Park, walked the length of St. James Park, past Trafalgar Sq, down to Embankment and along the Thames to Westminster before heading home.
And it was good to have that time with friends; good to wander about alone as well. With friends to relax; alone to regroup.
Tomorrow finds me on my way back once more to Slovakia; another home; another world.
Here in London I wander about quite free. No obligations or responsibilities visibly pressing on me; no anything save what I might choose. And as much as I do always find myself the stranger here, London really does seem more like my world than any of the others I belong to. Walking along today, my steaming hot salt and vinegar chips wrapped in paper in my hand (chips being fried potato wedges for those who don't know the term) and warming me up after a nice walk along the Thames followed by the looonnnngggg ride home on the Tube... I couldn't help but think, though, that as much as I do love this world, I don't know just how much I actually want to live here in the future. And I don't know that it would really make much of a home base to come back to, either... because it is so much in constant change.

And yet for now, as I do continue with these travells of mine; as I carry on this rootless lifestyle... I am making this my home base. It is the one actualy physical location, I think, that I will always come back to. My family can go anywhere in the world and I will always go home to them. But I don't think I will always go home to Slovakia, or the other places that they or I have or will live.
This is me wishing tomorrow weren't Thursday already.
Hi, You certainly look contemplative facing the river, but for sure the front of your head is far more attractive than the back of your head. However, it looks very inviting to sit and contemplate with you. Wish I was there. jgh
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