Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Thoughts on Home... (again)

I told my sister in June, while visiting her in the USA, that I had so many homes I just couldn't keep holding onto them anymore; you only have so many fingers and toes; your grasp only holds for so long before it slips. I also told her I'm not God: I cannot love the whole world.

But you know, I think I'm coming to see things a little differently now. For instance, I don't know that I think anymore that home is something which you grasp; it is something that instead holds you. I don't need to strain myself and slowly break into peices trying to hold onto what I have seen as different parts of me; different bits of home.

Love does not clutch.

Home is where the heart is; if the heart is at peace, then regardless of wherever--or how many wherever's--home is, then home will be settled peacefully, too. It's not something you have to fully understand, either; but something that does demmand acceptance. If I feel fragmented, it is because I have chosen to allow myself to live a fragmented life rather than a whole life.

I choose wholeness.


At 12:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are discovering more and more as you process more and more. Sounds like you are choosing wisely as well. jgh


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