Thursday, October 11, 2007

Sleepless October

Sometimes seasons seem to take on particular characteristics, and this October is certainly among them. It has this restlessness to it; a sleepless, always moving, leaves are blowing, temperatures changing kind of feel to it. Is October not always so, you ask? Ah, but not always quite this much.

It's October and the leaves are turning; yellow, orange, red and blowing around and the path I walk down is golden and the skies are blue.

It's October and the leaves alone are not sleepless, for I am sleepless, too. And if I were a leaf I should have blown far and away and so high in the sky by now. But it's October, not May, and I simply sit awake all night, scratching away with a pen or clicking away at a keyboard with my chilled and weary fingers.

It's October and we all have forced insomnia.


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