Monday, March 17, 2008

the Ides of March...

It's been a long time.

But here I am, still alive and much better. I was not back from the hospital more than two days before I got sick again, and then really sick. They thought I had pneumonia and sent me back to a different hospital, but I hadn't quite gotten it yet. I missed many days of classes and spent more time lying down than I usually do in an entire school term, I'm sure. Once I was well enough, I then had hours and hours of make-up work & exams and catch-up work, and thus... no blogging.

But here I am, still alive and much better.

It's the middle of March, as you already know. What that means for me is that one dramatic production ("Our Town," by Thornton Wilder) for the semester is done, and one left to go in about a month--Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream. It means I'm knee high in costuming and skin deep in make-up right now. It also means lots of night rehearsals.

I'm working also on my bachelor thesis as well as completing an independent study in media productions. Those two alone are more than double the work of all my other classes put together.

There is so much going on.

But I am having fun, too. It's a good semester, and good friends I have many of. :) Here are some random pictures from these last few weeks as I end this post...

Sumo-wrestling at a fair one day to "relieve stress"

trying on my cap for size... :) graduation is almost here...

loving Lake Ontario :D


and skiing.


At 8:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

College looks so tough these days with all those other things the profs keep piling on like skiing, driving, etc. Actually, those things make the class work tolerable and are needed breaks. jgh


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