Friday, September 28, 2007

The Digestive Fate of a Sandwhich

Sometimes there's just no time like the present to sit, think, and wonder about the little things in life... Or maybe just enjoy them.

And really, one of the best places to do that?

Sitting with a friend on a cool, Autumn day on the edge of rocks right over a little waterfal at your favourite swimming hole, eating chinese food with plastic forks and huddling under your bright red umbrella to keep dry from the rain.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Of Temperatures & Time tables...

Life back at university... life back in New York. Hmm.

I'm starting to realise that spending 8 months of summer can completely reboot your consitution: in other words, my blood has thinned back out and I am now left shivering and chattering and bundling up in sweaters and cordoroys and scarves and hats and gloves and coats (yes, it really is true) in September.

Of course, it's not so bad that they call me the Eskimo, as they did when I was young and just come from the Caribbean... but it does rather feel that way...

If temperature were all I had to adjust to, I might still be in good shape. Woe is me, however, as I have far more than that to deal with. Starting classes again has been hard, especially after spending five months off. Here I am, coming to the end of my fourth week of school, and already I am a sleep deprived student turning monster. This does not, I assure you, bode well for the academic year. Especially as my assignments have barely begun to pile up yet and I have yet to write my first exam... *shudder* Now what will that be like?

My schedule looks a work of art this term more than any other.
Blue marks = business, usually work which I spend up to fourteen hours a week in. Of course, it may also mean cabinet meetings for clubs or senate meetings, and occassionaly, business meetings in general.

White & Black marks=daily and weekly events, such as the repetition of classes week by week.

Grey= events or activities or deadlines for which preparation (significant) is required.

Pink = Important! Miss this and you die!

And finally, Green = personal. Except you know something funny? I'm pretty sure that just about nothing on my calendar is green just now.

Oh well.

What are time tables for, if not to be played with and juggled?